Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Lino Cut Final "The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul"

"The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul"

During this assignment my intentions were to really make the eyes come through to the viewer. I wanted people to look at it and be drawn right to the big eye. I definitely think I achieved that by using size view placement and placed the eye a little to the right. My print is all about lines and the thickness versus amount of my lines. The most difficult part of this assignment was finding the right colors and layering style to accentuate the eyes and the lines. Ray's work has really showed me that usually less sometimes is more and really defining the main concepts of something can mean more later.  I I were to do this assignment again, I would spend more time working on the other side of my print. You cannot see the other side because I cropped it out of this picture but it did not have much going on.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Carving Out The Light; Artist Statement

            My goals during this project was to really define all of the black shadows and I accomplished them by really blending all the dark charcoal into the paper as I could. My painting is mostly about dramatic shadows and the lighting, I tried to show them dramatically and personally I believe I did it well. The most difficult challenge I faced was getting the stem to really bring out the picture and set the tone. My drawing really works in the center, the dramatic stem sets the entire drawing. I learned that making one thing on your painting the center of attention the whole rest painting flows nicely. Gabrielle Baikauskas taught me how to really define my lines. If I had a do-over I would probably spend more time on the main pumpkin to really make it realistic. I feel like my blending and white spots are the best in my opinion of my work.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


I take my grandparents my my little brother for granted a lot because they all do so much for me and my parents. I take nature for granted because I see it all the time and I'm always around it I never can stop and admire it for its true beauty. I definitely take shoes for granted because there a some people that don't haven something as small as shoes and I at home have a huge rack full of them. I take my technology for granted because once again they're everywhere and we use them on the daily. A ton of people aren't as lucky as we are and don't have expensive stuff like this.

I take my friends for granted because a lot of the time I don't see how they stand up for me and appreciate me. They do so much for me and I sometimes don't see it.

Shells in shadow

               My goals for this piece of artwork was to draw something that was captive and interesting, I really  wanted it look dark and mysterious. I accomplished them by really focusing on the shadows and the dark spots of my picture. My painting is about how the light is only touching a few points of my drawing and how the shells are both so simplified. The most difficult part of this drawing would be trying to get all the blending to the right value and depth. I over all loved doing this assignment and I would most definitely draw something like the sagain